Writer’s Log #6 – Hammerfist Second Edition

It’s been a week since I finished the first draft of Purged and I still feel pretty stoked about it. I want to jump into it right away. I want to paint the picture in every scene. But alas… I must stay my hand. Every writing book I’ve read has told me to take time away from the first draft before I come back for the second. So with the waiting time, I decided to polish up a previous project.

For the past few months, I’ve wanted to put out a second edition of My Name is Hammerfist. It was really cringy for me when I got my first copies in the mail, started flipping through the pages, and noticed numerous rookie grammar mistakes. The book was still very much readable and enjoyable (just check the reviews on Amazon and Goodreads), but from my standpoint, it was a little embarrassing.

So I fixed it! I took this time to go through the book, mark up mistakes, then make those changes. I was already halfway through the manuscript before this week started, so I got through the rest of the book without much of a problem. I sent the updated manuscript to Amazon late yesterday afternoon, so the second edition should be available for purchase by Monday night at the latest.

It was kind of a fun experience, too, because rereading MNIHF reminded me of what a goofy, fun book it is. I had about half a dozen instances where I laughed out loud and insisted on reading a few paragraphs to my roommate and his girlfriend. I had a lot of fun writing it, and it shows. Once the King Jason Trilogy is done, I’ll get cracking on the the next installment in the Hammerfist Trilogy.


I have a newsletter now!! That’s pretty neat, right? I’m going to use this to send out all the super important updates when something important goes down. If you’re interested in staying in the know about my most important writing projects, sign up!

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