Book news, movie reviews, hot takes, etc.

  • Well, 2024 was insane.

    Well, 2024 was insane.

    It isn’t lost on me that I haven’t posted on my blog in over a year. Probably because my 2024 was nuts and made me focus my priorities elsewhere. Let me break it down from the beginning. At the very tail end of December 2023, I started drafting The Legend of Uh. I was determined…

  • Why “Love Letters to a House on Fire” Matters to Me

    Why “Love Letters to a House on Fire” Matters to Me

    “Are you okay?” That’s what some people have asked me after reading Love Letters to a House on Fire. The simple answer to that question? Yeah. But when I was writing some of the things in that book, no. Love Letters, for the most part, is a fun and quirky collection of short stories, poems,…

  • My Name is Hammerfist Vol. 2 is out now!

    My Name is Hammerfist Vol. 2 is out now!

    There it is! At long last, the sequel to My Name is Hammerfist is out and ready for you. Not gonna lie, my journey writing this book was a little tough. This is going to be a place where I serve some tea about my process of writing Hammerfist 2, including the thoughts I was…

  • The Super Mario Bros Movie is a video game movie done right

    The Super Mario Bros Movie is a video game movie done right

    Woo! Yah! Wahoo! You probably read that in his voice, didn’t you? Here we go again. Another video game movie. That means it’s time to roll our eyes and get the cheapest movie ticket we can because this one is probably gonna suck. Video game movies have a storied history of stinking to high heavens,…

  • Free Tools Authors Can Use for Book Promotion

    Free Tools Authors Can Use for Book Promotion

    Authors are solitary people. It can be hard to find your audience, let alone get in front of them. Trust me, I get it. With years of writing and marketing experience behind me, though, I’ve found several tools that have helped me strengthen my brand as an author. Are these tools going to suddenly rocket…

  • Awaiting Further Orders – A Free Sci-Fi Short Story

    Awaiting Further Orders – A Free Sci-Fi Short Story

    I wrote the following short story for the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future contest. Since I didn’t win it, I now have full authority to publish it wherever I want! In retrospect, it’s probably best that I didn’t win because I’m not sure I want my name attached to anything associated with L.…

  • Rings of Power Season One Review

    Rings of Power Season One Review

    Phew. Well, that certainly was something. Look, you don’t need me to reiterate the story leading up to this series. At this point, we all know how much it cost and what a gamble Amazon took with it. No use rehashing that. But what we do need to discuss is the results. Was this a…

  • The Vans Old Skool is a perfect sneaker

    The Vans Old Skool is a perfect sneaker

    I like shoes. I have a lot of them—about thirty pairs, actually. But I’ve never been terribly interested in limited-edition drops or fancy partnerships. I care more about the designs that have stood the test of time. You know, the classics. Classics like the Vans Old Skool. You’ve seen these sneakers on everyone from punks,…

  • Andor might be better than The Mandalorian

    Andor might be better than The Mandalorian

    Yeah. I said it. I know it’s early, okay? And don’t think this is a knock on The Mandalorian—it’s not. The Mandalorian rips. Rarely has a sci-fi western been done so well. The only one that might be better (which this writer has seen) is Cowboy Bebop. But if Andor continues being this good… wow.…

  • Addicted to social media? Read some ebooks.

    Addicted to social media? Read some ebooks.

    “I wish I had more time to read, I just don’t.” You don’t have time to read, huh? You sure about that? If you’re really confident about that, I’m gonna challenge you to do something. Most phones now will tell you how much screen time you’re getting and what apps you’re using every day. Go…