Book news, movie reviews, hot takes, etc.
A hate letter to traditional publishing
Okay, okay, the title is a little harsh. And clickbaity. I apologize for that. And this isn’t even written as a letter, either. So I apologize for that, too. The truth is, I don’t hate traditional publishing. I think it’s just fine, albeit fraught with its own set of problems. It’s kind of like Marvel…
It’s time we accept that New Year’s resolutions are stupid
“New year, new me!” “2022 is gonna be my year!” Are you, though? And is it? Look, can we be honest with each other? I think it’s safe to say that most of us will look back and realize that we bombed on our New Year’s resolutions before March even rolled around. Lose weight. Quit…
No Way Home is great, but isn’t the best Spiderman movie
I can feel you bristling through the phone/computer. This title got you heated. You’re probably reading this because you’ve already seen Spiderman: No Way Home and decided it was one of the best movies you’ve ever seen. And I respect that. But you’re wrong. Look, I’ve heard so many people say that Spiderman: No Way…
Halo is back and our lives are blessed
It took months of prodding before my parents allowed me to get the original Halo for XBox. I was about fourteen at the time, a little angsty, a little irritating, growing up in a conservative and religious home where R-rated movies and M-rated video games were usually shunned if not frowned upon. It took the…
It’s 2021 and I finally beat Banjo-Kazooie
Banjo-Kazooie reentered my life when I bought an XBox Series S and signed up for Game Pass. I was tickled to see that a remastered version was available on the library, especially since I had the game as a kid but never managed to beat it. But now I’m 30 years old, renting a townhouse,…
TikTok is a GREAT place for writers
I was a little hesitant about TikTok at first. Maybe it’s a sign that I’m getting old and uncool, but I thought the last thing I needed was another social media account. As if I don’t already spend too much time scrolling through Instagram and Facebook. Besides, TikTok is a place full of teenagers doing…
Advice to my 20-year-old self at age 30
I’ve been a little depressed the last couple of weeks. Maybe it’s because I’m turning thirty and life didn’t turn out the way I expected. I don’t own a home. I don’t drive a fancy car. I don’t have a wife, kids, or a dog. I’m not a New York Times-bestselling author. Instead, I rent…
Want to look cultured? Own these books.
Some books just stand head and shoulders above others. And frankly, having some of these books on your shelf makes you look smarter. Here are some books that are absolutely worth reading and will fool houseguests into thinking you’re a cultured person. There are two caveats to this list. One, this list isn’t comprehensive, so…
Dune is simply spectacular.
There’s not much I can say that will prepare you for Dune. But I will say this: If Part 2 is as good as this Part 1, we’ll have a sci-fi Lord of the Rings on our hands. When it comes to scope, artistry, and quality, it can only be compared to Peter Jackson’s seminal…
No Time to Die is a different breed of Bond. That’s good.
Daniel Craig said back in 2016 that he’d rather slash his wrists than do another James Bond movie. But in the same year, he also said that he’d keep playing it for as long as he was physically able. Well, it’s been about 15 years. He definitely had a good run, and No Time to…