Book news, movie reviews, hot takes, etc.

  • Yes, superhero movies are absolutely art cinema

    Yes, superhero movies are absolutely art cinema

    Crash! Bang! Zap! Thwup! Superhero movies. We’ve seen a slew of them over the past few years. Ever since Marvel Studios released Iron Man in 2008, we’ve seen at least two or three superhero movies annually. And usually, they top the box office charts. Generally, people love them. However, a lot of Hollywood’s royalty have…

  • An Apology Letter to Anime

    An Apology Letter to Anime

    Dear Anime, Hey. It’s your boy. I know our relationship started out way back when, but I allowed it to fall off to early and it’s only been the last year or two that we’ve reconnected. That time has really opened my eyes, and it makes me regret the last twenty years. It started at…

  • Why I chose indie publishing over traditional

    Why I chose indie publishing over traditional

    This is a question that every writer eventually deals with if they’re considering publishing their work: indie or traditional. There are a lot of pros and cons to each, and every writer needs to look into both options and decide for themselves before they make a decision. As for me, I went with independent publishing.…

  • Undeniable proof that New Balance sneakers are cool

    Undeniable proof that New Balance sneakers are cool

    Your dad already knows. It’s time to get with the program. I got on the New Balance wagon a few years ago because of an Instagram ad. They got me. They freaking got me. I was merrily scrolling, minding my own business when I saw an ad for a pair of sneakers with big N’s…

  • My free speech was attacked in second grade

    My free speech was attacked in second grade

    I was censored for the first time when I was eight years old. It was the first time my writing broke boundaries. Pushed limits. Made someone uncomfortable. And for it, I was scolded and disciplined. Has my soul ever recovered? Well, if it had, I wouldn’t really be writing about it at age twenty-nine, would…

  • My Writing Process

    My Writing Process

    When people discover I’m an author, a common question I get asked is, “What is your process?” Purged, my third book, just got published this week. So in honor of this milestone, why not share my writing process? If you’re thinking about writing a book yourself, maybe this will be beneficial. The beautiful thing about…

  • Here’s your free sample of Purged

    Here’s your free sample of Purged

    It’s been years of work. I hacked away at it a piece by piece ever since I finished Foreordained back in 2014, and now it’s almost here. Purged will be available for ebook pre-order on February 22nd, and the paperback and ebook will be available for purchase on March 1st. I’m so hyped right now.…

  • I went to Orlando during the pandemic. Here’s how it went.

    I went to Orlando during the pandemic. Here’s how it went.

    I don’t travel a lot–hardly at all, honestly. Some friends and I planned this trip to Orlando last summer when we thought all the COVID-19 stuff would be under control by now. Nope. It’s not. Alas, we discussed it and decided to go anyway. We had heard things about how the airlines and theme parks…

  • My friend, Russ.

    My friend, Russ.

    Let me tell you about Russ. He’s a kind soul, a hard worker, a Phoenix Suns fan, and one of my good friends. We both met when we were serving missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Boston. We connected because we had a mutual love for nerdy things and writing…

  • Cat Reviews #2

    Cat Reviews #2

    Things are terrible. It’s a brand new year so all of us were like, “omigosh 2021 yasss 2020 is over new year new me lol cool awesome bad times are done yay!” And then a ragamuffin team of violent fascists rolled up on the nation’s capitol because their beloved Cheeto in Chief lost a fair…