Book news, movie reviews, hot takes, etc.

  • WW84 Has Problems. Lots of Them.

    WW84 Has Problems. Lots of Them.

    Patty Jenkin’s Wonder Woman was fabulous back when it hit theaters in 2017. We all agreed it was the best movie in the DC Cinematic Universe up to that point (if you don’t count the Dark Knight trilogy). It was a superhero movie that didn’t do anything astounding or terribly new, but checked all the…

  • Why The Last Jedi is Great

    Why The Last Jedi is Great

    Oh, The Last Jedi… the controversial eighth installment in the Skywalker saga. Star Wars Episode VIII. The work of acclaimed director Rian Johnson. You either love it or hate it. I’m one of those strange and twisted souls that loves The Last Jedi. It’s an emotional, intimate, and exhilarating take on Star Wars that felt…

  • Disney needs to simmer down.

    Disney needs to simmer down.

    Imagine a hulking mass of a human being with a goofy grin, a Mickey Mouse hat, and an ice cream scoop in each hand. He’s got a barrel full of chocolate ice cream on his left and a barrel of strawberry ice cream on his right. You love both flavors, and he’s determined to feed…

  • Your boy’s TOP 3 Christmas movies and WHY

    Your boy’s TOP 3 Christmas movies and WHY

    It’s December! And that means it’s socially acceptable to start hanging stockings and decorating the tree! Christmas is coming!! For you scrooges that are adamant about holding off on Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving, I say phooie. Christmas is an S-rank holiday–the crux of the winter season. Literally winter would have nothing going for it…

  • Is Lord of the Rings the perfect movie trilogy?

    Is Lord of the Rings the perfect movie trilogy?

    Yes. …thank you for reading. Please buy my books. Freebies await you! Join the newsletter for FREE book samples, monthly writing updates, and occasional promo alerts Subscribe Loading… Success! You’re now subscribed! Check your email!

  • Gratitude, a catalyst for happiness

    Gratitude, a catalyst for happiness

    2020 blows. So much has gone wrong this year. And it’s kind of just been one thing after another, hasn’t it? First we had the wildfires in Australia. Then COVID-19 punched the world the face when springtime came around, and it’s been kicking us on the ground ever since. We’ve had riots over racial inequality…

  • Your boy’s TOP 5 VIDEO GAMES of ALL TIME

    Your boy’s TOP 5 VIDEO GAMES of ALL TIME

    Video games. What a monumental waste of time, right? Well, I have my reservations about that. From a storytelling standpoint, your boy A-A-Ron has actually been heavily influenced by video games. When I was first discovering my love of writing at a young age, the video games I played served as a catalyst for my…

  • President Trump, you’re fired.

    President Trump, you’re fired.

    For the post part, I want to remain politically neutral here. Politics tend to get people fired up a little too much and I want this to a place of positivity, but I’ve got a thingertwo to say about our President of the last four years. Some of you aren’t going to like what I…

  • The Mandalorian is back and THIS IS THE WAY

    The Mandalorian is back and THIS IS THE WAY

    One of my favorite westerns has just started up its second season. It’s not Westworld. It’s not Deadwood. It’s not even Hee Haw. It’s The Mandalorian. After only a single year, Lucasfilm has brought us the second season of the hit Disney+ series and the nerd world couldn’t be more thrilled. It was so cool…

  • Your boy’s TOP 5 FAVORITE BOOKS of ALL TIME (Fiction)

    Your boy’s TOP 5 FAVORITE BOOKS of ALL TIME (Fiction)

    I am a writer. Writers write. It’s a writer’s right to write. Writers rightfully write and I am right to write to delight… right? Writers also read. Stephen King’s Golden Rule, as mentioned in his seminal volume On Writing, admonishes writers to read as much as they write–which should be a lot. Admittedly, I’m not…