Book news, movie reviews, hot takes, etc.
Is Lord of the Rings the perfect movie trilogy?
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Gratitude, a catalyst for happiness
2020 blows. So much has gone wrong this year. And it’s kind of just been one thing after another, hasn’t it? First we had the wildfires in Australia. Then COVID-19 punched the world the face when springtime came around, and it’s been kicking us on the ground ever since. We’ve had riots over racial inequality…
President Trump, you’re fired.
For the post part, I want to remain politically neutral here. Politics tend to get people fired up a little too much and I want this to a place of positivity, but I’ve got a thingertwo to say about our President of the last four years. Some of you aren’t going to like what I…
The Mandalorian is back and THIS IS THE WAY
One of my favorite westerns has just started up its second season. It’s not Westworld. It’s not Deadwood. It’s not even Hee Haw. It’s The Mandalorian. After only a single year, Lucasfilm has brought us the second season of the hit Disney+ series and the nerd world couldn’t be more thrilled. It was so cool…
Your boy’s TOP 5 FAVORITE BOOKS of ALL TIME (Fiction)
I am a writer. Writers write. It’s a writer’s right to write. Writers rightfully write and I am right to write to delight… right? Writers also read. Stephen King’s Golden Rule, as mentioned in his seminal volume On Writing, admonishes writers to read as much as they write–which should be a lot. Admittedly, I’m not…
My Top 3 Halloween Movies and Why
I should be a big fan of Halloween, considering its impact on me. The season is one of the ingredients that got me into fiction writing because in Utah, every elementary school kid is required to write a brief Halloween story every October. But to be perfectly honest, I’m not a very big Halloween person.…
Rise of Skywalker Farted On My Soul
It’s been almost a year since we experienced Rise of Skywalker. I love Star Wars, but I’ll be the first to say that Star Wars has let us down a time or two. We talk about the prequels and the lackluster spinoff(s), but there’s a whole bunch to unpack. There are plenty of lackluster video…
Star Wars vs. Lord of the Rings
Purged progress: First revision, 92% I’m right in the middle of the final battle. Seriously, this first revision has been a great chance to tighten up a lot of aspects of Purged, and it’s shaping into something really special. When this book is done, I’m confident that this will be my best work yet–a more…
Cat Reviews, Vol. 1
Purged progress: First revision, 38% The first revision for Purged is going well. Moving right along. Characters and conflicts and tension are getting tightened up. But that’s not really what you’re here for, is it? In last week’s writing update, I had a picture of a studious cat in the header image. A friend of…