Book news, movie reviews, hot takes, etc.
Well, 2024 was insane.
It isn’t lost on me that I haven’t posted on my blog in over a year. Probably because my 2024 was nuts and made me focus my priorities elsewhere. Let me break it down from the beginning. At the very tail end of December 2023, I started drafting The Legend of Uh. I was determined…
Why “Love Letters to a House on Fire” Matters to Me
“Are you okay?” That’s what some people have asked me after reading Love Letters to a House on Fire. The simple answer to that question? Yeah. But when I was writing some of the things in that book, no. Love Letters, for the most part, is a fun and quirky collection of short stories, poems,…
Well, my first fantasy trilogy is done.
Today is April 2nd, 2022. That means Awakened, the third installment in The Wevlian Chronicles, is now on Amazon. And that means every book in my fantasy trilogy is live. Published. Done. I have mixed feelings. Don’t get me wrong, I feel great about this accomplishment. It’s been fifteen years in the making. I originally…
It’s time we accept that New Year’s resolutions are stupid
“New year, new me!” “2022 is gonna be my year!” Are you, though? And is it? Look, can we be honest with each other? I think it’s safe to say that most of us will look back and realize that we bombed on our New Year’s resolutions before March even rolled around. Lose weight. Quit…
Advice to my 20-year-old self at age 30
I’ve been a little depressed the last couple of weeks. Maybe it’s because I’m turning thirty and life didn’t turn out the way I expected. I don’t own a home. I don’t drive a fancy car. I don’t have a wife, kids, or a dog. I’m not a New York Times-bestselling author. Instead, I rent…
It’s been twenty years.
I thought about writing something pertaining to pop culture today like I usually do, but that just didn’t feel appropriate. It’s been twenty years since the attack of 9/11. At the time, I was just nine years old–a fourth grader in Mr. Keeler’s class. I had just walked into the classroom and dropped my backpack…
I quit my job to be a full-time author
Yeesh. Well, here we go. For over a year, I worked at a company that I enjoyed a lot. It sold a product that I believe in, taught me a ton about my profession, and introduced me to a lot of new friends. It was kind of the perfect place to work. So why did…
August 2021 Writing Update
Awakened – ~57,000 words, approximately 1/2 of first draft July was a productive month! Still had the chance to go back and edit some things that I had written before, but mostly it was a chance to move forward. On some days, I steamrolled and wrote as much as 3,300 words. That’s a new record…
July 2021 Writing Update
Awakened – ~39,000 words, approximately 1/3 of first draft Things are coming together. On the surface, it looks like I only wrote 4,000 words over the last month, but a lot of what’s been done has actually been rewrites. I began rehashing things from earlier in the story, only intending to spruce some things up,…