Book news, movie reviews, hot takes, etc.
Well, my first fantasy trilogy is done.
Today is April 2nd, 2022. That means Awakened, the third installment in The Wevlian Chronicles, is now on Amazon. And that means every book in my fantasy trilogy is live. Published. Done. I have mixed feelings. Don’t get me wrong, I feel great about this accomplishment. It’s been fifteen years in the making. I originally…
5 life lessons I’ve learned from writing books
It’s not uncommon to take life lessons from a hobby that you greatly enjoy. Writing is no different. I’m currently working on my fourth book, and along the way, I’ve learned a lot of great things that have translated into the rest of my life. Some of it might surprise you. Don’t be afraid to…
My Writing Process
When people discover I’m an author, a common question I get asked is, “What is your process?” Purged, my third book, just got published this week. So in honor of this milestone, why not share my writing process? If you’re thinking about writing a book yourself, maybe this will be beneficial. The beautiful thing about…
Here’s your free sample of Purged
It’s been years of work. I hacked away at it a piece by piece ever since I finished Foreordained back in 2014, and now it’s almost here. Purged will be available for ebook pre-order on February 22nd, and the paperback and ebook will be available for purchase on March 1st. I’m so hyped right now.…
My friend, Russ.
Let me tell you about Russ. He’s a kind soul, a hard worker, a Phoenix Suns fan, and one of my good friends. We both met when we were serving missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Boston. We connected because we had a mutual love for nerdy things and writing…
Cat Reviews, Vol. 1
Purged progress: First revision, 38% The first revision for Purged is going well. Moving right along. Characters and conflicts and tension are getting tightened up. But that’s not really what you’re here for, is it? In last week’s writing update, I had a picture of a studious cat in the header image. A friend of…
Writer’s Log #11 – First revision and current reads
Purged progress: First revision, 31% Purged is coming right along! It’s getting tightened up! The characters are becoming more fleshed out! The pacing is getting smoother! The description is more vivid and direct! Huzzah! Rejoice! Have a pint! Or a glass of milk or whatever. I don’t know what you like. I’ve been taking at…
Writer’s Log #10 – IT HAS BEGUN
Revisions for Purged are under way. Finally. Yikes. I’ve got a lot to catch up on here. I’ve always strived to write on my blog every week, and for the last few weeks I’ve failed miserably. I hope all my readers (all three of you) will forgive me for my absence. First off, I’m almost…
Writer’s Log #8 – Meh.
Real talk: I haven’t done a lot of writing stuff this week. Lately I’ve been rereading Foreordained, preparing myself to dive into the second draft of Purged. I’ve rediscovered some important plot devices that will be fun to make connections to, and I’ve already handed the first draft to a fan for beta reading. He’s…
Writer’s Log #5 – It’s done.
Purged Progress: First draft complete That’s right. First draft complete. 123,386 words, 213 pages at 12-point Times New Roman font, single spaced. Done. Don’t let the picture fool you–I actually feel much better than Frodo in this moment. It’s just that finishing a book can feel like arriving at the opposite end of a battlefield.…